Energy: Discovering the Chakra Symbols

The seven major Chakras have various symbols, derived from their many correspondences, and by introducing these to your meditations you can develop your powers of visualisation and grasp better control of your own energies. The rich symbolism of the Chakras crosses over into many other disciplines, such as astrology. For example, elemental and planetary associations … Read moreEnergy: Discovering the Chakra Symbols

Planetary Alignment: Venus in Libra

Venus symbol

Practical Influences – Venus in Libra A Venus in Libra alignment loves beauty, which is really balance and harmony; so you will find yourself disliking and avoiding anything unpleasant in favour of peace, tranquillity and harmony. You will be very social during this alignment, you’re easy to be with and a dynamic talker with multitudes … Read morePlanetary Alignment: Venus in Libra

Planetary Alignment: Venus in Virgo

Venus symbol

Practical Influences – Venus in Virgo Venus in Virgo brings a very down to earth energy where you may feel reserved and private enjoying the simple, little things in life. There’s a sense of mystery about you, since you’re protective of your privacy. While being simultaneously grounded and secure you can also find yourself relentlessly … Read morePlanetary Alignment: Venus in Virgo

Planetary Alignment: Moon/Sun in Aries

astrology aries

Be mindful of the influences of the Sun and Moon by utilising materials associated with them. This brings you closer to understanding your alchemical journey.

Planetary Alignment: Moon/Sun in Taurus

astrology taurus

Be mindful of the influences of the Sun and Moon by utilising materials associated with them. This brings you closer to understanding your alchemical journey.