Energy: Discovering the Chakra Symbols

The seven major Chakras have various symbols, derived from their many correspondences, and by introducing these to your meditations you can develop your powers of visualisation and grasp better control of your own energies. The rich symbolism of the Chakras crosses over into many other disciplines, such as astrology. For example, elemental and planetary associations … Read moreEnergy: Discovering the Chakra Symbols

Free Meditation: Earth, Fire, Air, Water

Feet firmly placed on the floor, hands gently resting on the thighs, eyes closed and away… As my breathing deepened I sensed movement below my feet. Glancing down, I could see I was standing on a vast body of shimmering water. It was both calming and soothing as it gently lapped up around my ankles. … Read moreFree Meditation: Earth, Fire, Air, Water

Free Meditation: As the Fire Burns

Feet firmly placed on the floor, hands gently resting on the thighs, eyes closed and away… I sat still with my heartbeat. Listening to the beat slow in time with my breath. I became aware of a light in front of me, and in an instant I was around my familiar fire. My beautiful, welcoming … Read moreFree Meditation: As the Fire Burns