Conscious Connection - Sarah Wayt - Page 3

SEE Online Meditation

Meditations online spiritual energy exchange

Inspired by The Spiritual Energy Exchange, we would like to invite you to join in an online synchronised group meditation around the SEE monthly theme. This meditation can be done from wherever you are. I am simply asking for you to connect at a given moment; how long you remain connected is very individual. Set … Read moreSEE Online Meditation

Personal Power: SEE How Potent You Are

The Spiritual Energy Exchange (SEE) theme is Power. This weeks focus is on personal power. We will be talking about what it means to have it, as well as how we can consciously refocus, redirect and refine our connection with it. Even when walking in a party of no more than three I can always be … Read morePersonal Power: SEE How Potent You Are

Wednesday Weekly: Spreading a Little Love

This weeks Wednesday Weekly has me out and about shopping and engaging in one of my favourite past times. No, not shopping. I’m one of those grumpy shoppers who has to know exactly what she wants, which shop to find it in, where it is in the shop, and the quickest route to the the … Read moreWednesday Weekly: Spreading a Little Love

Free Meditation: Earth, Fire, Air, Water

Feet firmly placed on the floor, hands gently resting on the thighs, eyes closed and away… As my breathing deepened I sensed movement below my feet. Glancing down, I could see I was standing on a vast body of shimmering water. It was both calming and soothing as it gently lapped up around my ankles. … Read moreFree Meditation: Earth, Fire, Air, Water

Wednesday Weekly: Voting for Policies not Personalities

With an incredibly important day coming up tomorrow, this Wednesday Weekly couldn’t help but be politically focused. Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t have had political issues on my mind all week. However, it has been nigh on impossible to think about anything else. My social media threads have been littered with jibes, taunts, and unhappy … Read moreWednesday Weekly: Voting for Policies not Personalities

Mercury Retrograde? What’s it all about Alfie?

It’s easy to get stressed over communication problems, travel plans going awry, and electronic devices that won’t play ball. You may take it in your stride and think ‘I’m just having a bad day/month.’ But, there are some planet watchers out there who anticipate these things happening because Mercury is in retrograde. So, what does … Read moreMercury Retrograde? What’s it all about Alfie?

Wednesday Weekly Update: Spirituality and Religion

Updating the authors journey through video

What an interesting week it’s been. This week I had the pleasure of chatting about religion, spirituality, quantum physics and dark matter with a religious, faith-based, friend of mine. Our conversation sparked many thoughts for both of us, as you can see from the video below. If you would like to get in contact with … Read moreWednesday Weekly Update: Spirituality and Religion

Spiritual Energy Exchange: SEE with others

The spiritual energy exchange (SEE) main header for all posts

The Spiritual Energy Exchange (SEE) is an online, as well as an in person discussion platform. Through this platform we examine key life themes with a view to enhancing an individuals’ internal growth and understanding. Engagement is promoted through blog posts, audio files, meditation practices, and physical group meet-ups in the North East of England. … Read moreSpiritual Energy Exchange: SEE with others

Holistic Health: What is it and how can it help?

Holistic Approach The word holistic is derived from the Greek ‘Holos’ which gives us both ‘Holy’ and ‘Whole’ in modern English. The association of health with wholeness and holiness expresses the concept of holism well. Holistic health essentially involves the unity of body, mind, and spirit, so it is taken to mean caring for the … Read moreHolistic Health: What is it and how can it help?

Author Journey Update: Conscious Connection 2

Updating the authors journey through video

Here I share my author journey with you as a way to keep you in the loop with my progress. I have been engaged in research since March 2019, looking for answers around what we are connecting with. The findings from my research will contribute to the main body of Conscious Connection book 2. If … Read moreAuthor Journey Update: Conscious Connection 2