Energy: Understanding your Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra

The Anahata, or Heart Chakra, is located in the spine at the level of the heart. Anahata means ‘unstruck’ and this Chakra is your centre of balance. The golden hexagram in the Chakra shows the balance of emotional forces of the lower three Chakras rising in the upward triangle to the spiritual, intellectual forces of … Read moreEnergy: Understanding your Heart Chakra

Energy: Understanding your Stomach Chakra

Solar plexus

The Stomach Chakra, or Manipura (meaning ‘lustrous jewel’), is connected to your emotions and will power. This Chakra is associated with fire. The fire of digestion and of the will. By balancing the Stomach Chakra you work to achieve harmony between the emotions and the intellect, transforming yourself into a dynamic, creative individual. Links to … Read moreEnergy: Understanding your Stomach Chakra

Energy: Understanding your Sacral Chakra

Sacral chakra

The Sacral Chakra is located in the spine, just below the navel. This Chakra is associated with many of life’s sweeter things such as pleasure, sexuality, nurturing, change and creativity (including procreation). It is the centre of realisation of polarity, the balance of opposites, and it affects your desire to interact with others. Flow and … Read moreEnergy: Understanding your Sacral Chakra

Energy: Understanding Chakra Development

Life is shaped by experiences, both good and bad. As well as affecting the development of personality and worldview, experiences can affect your Chakras. They can cause them to become too open or too closed, causing personality problems or illnesses. Experiences Good and Bad Childhood events affect your Chakras. For example, neglect or criticism can … Read moreEnergy: Understanding Chakra Development

Energy: Understanding the Upper Chakras

The upper three Chakras could be described as the thinking Chakras. They deal with our conscious mental processes and the subconscious world of dreams, and they help to define our goals and aspirations for the future. Spirit of Humanity The upper three Chakras control some of the most important human processes. The power to dream, … Read moreEnergy: Understanding the Upper Chakras

Energy: Understanding the Lower Chakras

The lower three Chakras could be described as the ‘feeling’ Chakras. They govern instinctive and emotional behaviour, including sexuality and sensuality. They are the ‘body’ Chakras, concerned with your wellbeing through digestion, sex, social interaction and by keeping your body going through the routines of work and daily life. The Basic Needs in Life As … Read moreEnergy: Understanding the Lower Chakras

Energy: Basic Overview of the Chakra Centres

Working with Chakras Many alternative therapies include an understanding of the Chakras, particularly crystal healing and reiki. As a reflexologist and an aromatherapist, I work directly on balancing the Chakras by making essential oils and focusing on particular subtle energy pathways or ‘meridians’. Meditations and visualisations using colour are important tools in Chakra balancing and … Read moreEnergy: Basic Overview of the Chakra Centres

Energy: Understanding the Chakra System

The Chakras are energy centres in your ‘subtle body’, that is the energy structures of the self that interact with and extend beyond the physical body. The word Chakra is Sanskrit and means ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’, referring to the idea that our Chakras each spin at a particular frequency. The Different Chakras There are many … Read moreEnergy: Understanding the Chakra System