Working with Chakras

Many alternative therapies include an understanding of the Chakras, particularly crystal healing and reiki. As a reflexologist and an aromatherapist, I work directly on balancing the Chakras by making essential oils and focusing on particular subtle energy pathways or 'meridians'. Meditations and visualisations using colour are important tools in Chakra balancing and are good self-help techniques. Some yoga exercises and gentle martial arts like tai chi also help maintain healthy Chakras.
Root Chakra
Associated with the adrenal glands that, among other things, produce adrenaline needed for our 'fight, flight or freeze' response and related to issues around survival and physical needs.

When unbalanced, the root Chakra results in fearfulness, low self-esteem, being too materialistic or having difficulty achieving goals.
It's related colour is red and can be balanced with any red or 'earthy' coloured crystals, including hematite, bloodstone and tiger's eye.
Sacral Chakra
Connected to the sex organs, bladder, prostate and womb plus emotional issues around sexuality. Problems with this Chakra's functioning can lead to frigidity, impotence, over-sensitivity or manipulation in partnerships, unrealistic fantasies and sexual addiction.

Orange is the associated colour and key crystals include citrine, carnelian and golden topaz.
Stomach Chakra
Linked anatomically to the pancreas, which lies behind the stomach and helps the effective digestion of food, as well as producing insulin to control blood sugar levels. Food based allergies, obesity, stomach ulcers as well as power issues around anger, control and insecurity are all symptoms of a dysfunctional solar plexus.

Vibrating to the colour yellow, useful crystals are citrine, aventurine quartz and sunstone.
Heart Chakra
This is linked to unconditional love of self and others, and to physical symptoms such as high blood pressure, shallow breathing and heart disease. Blockages can lead to fear of rejection, co-dependency, low self-esteem and feelings of unworthiness.

It shares the colours of pink and green, with crystals including watermelon tourmaline, rose quartz and jade.
Throat Chakra
In addition to issues around self-expression and communication generally, this Chakra is associated with the thyroid gland which controls the body's metabolic rate. Any neck or hearing problems are physical symptoms of a dysfunctional throat Chakra, as well as problems with creativity and expressing emotions.

Resonating to the colour blue, key crystals for this Chakra include turquoise, lapis lazuli and aquamarine.
Third Eye Chakra
Situated just above and between the eyebrows, this Chakra links to a gland influencing general body chemistry and is connected to intuition. When not operating properly, it can cause headaches, poor vision, nightmares and learning difficulties as well as a fear of success.

Indigo, its associated colour, links with crystals such as amethyst, sapphire and calcite.
Crown Chakra
The connection of this Chakra is to the mysterious pineal gland, connected with the production of melatonin - the hormone that regulates out internal body clock, ensuring we get a good night's sleep. It is also linked with depression, frustration and obsessions as well as chronic exhaustion, epilepsy and sensitivity to pollutants.

Crystals that can help balance this Chakra include clear quartz, amethyst and diamonds.