I was approached by a friend who works with a charity called Mental Health North East (MHNE). She wondered how I would feel about coming along to a few group meetings to talk about holistic health with the participants.

The project was called 'Greening The Gap'. MHNE partnered with a group called Muddy Boots who had access to land and outbuildings by the Causey Arch Railway. Muddy Boots projects promote community engagement with health and wellbeing. The Greening The Gap project presented the perfect opportunity to utilise the space.
"The 46 participants who have joined us over the last four weeks have been able to access holistic therapy, well-being activities, and guided walks through the countryside." Follow the link to find out more - Greening the Gap Summer 2018
After such success with the Greening the Gap project, MHNE asked me to continue my holistic health sessions on a new project with Karbon Homes.
"Keen local gardeners met at Muddy Boots again last week as part of the Planting For The Future project in Stanley, supported by Karbon Homes... As well as nurturing their plants, the group also has a focus on their wellbeing, lead by MHNE’s own holistic therapist, Sarah Wayt. Sarah encourages the group to explore their health and wellbeing against the backdrop of complementary and alternative medicine. Providing practical take-home tips alongside chats about how holistic understanding can aid everyday life; Sarah’s sessions provide a safe space to nourish mind, body and spirit." Follow the link to find out more - Planting for the Future Project
The Planting for the Future Project was a roaring success in fostering community spirit via open sharing of ideas around gardening and holistic health. Support in growing fruit and veg on a budget, as well as holistic health provisions, have proven invaluable tools in building community spirit between participants. This has led to the discussion of further support in the form of mentoring to build stronger community engagement through user-led groups.
MHNE have become dear to my heart with the wonderful work they do in community building. The support and engagement of participants from the volunteers is outstanding. I'm honoured to be classed as a member of the team, and I look forward to a progressive and engaging future with them.

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