Yuletide Thanks: Day 6

Yuletide thanks and projections. Merry Christmas

Day 6 of Yule: Reflective Thanks

Today is the sixth of 12 days traditionally with no work in favour of happiness and merriment with family and friends.

Enjoy the evergreen symbols of protection and rebirth you have brought into your house and continue to welcome those of family and friends as they contribute to the abundance of your surroundings. Light a fresh yule candle as a symbol of the returning light and place it upon your Yule log to burn brightly in your home as a shining reminder.

Today think about November and December of this year when winter came into full swing with the nights drawing longer and the light fading down to its minimum at Yule. The harvest is past, the gathering is done and the time now comes to rest in the cloak of increasing darkness and rejuvenate the batteries of life. Many think this time represents death, indeed most people prefer the life of spring and summer if asked for a favourite season. It’s closer to say that this time of year represents dormancy, where natures functions are suspended or slowed down for a time as if in a deep sleep. Have you taken advantage of this time by relaxing and seeing what worked well this year against what was not so successful? Have you evaluated your position compared to the beginning of the year and begun to think about which of your thoughts and actions bore most fruit in order to advance them further after Yule? Give thanks for this time to relax and reflect while the pace of life begins to slow a little. Be thankful for the successes and continued movement of all those intentions that came to fruition as well as those that did not. Give thanks for your strength as you enter into this period of dormant rejuvenation.

Think about mother nature as the sun climbs a little higher and stays a little longer each day. Give thanks for the returning light as it warms the frozen earth and pulls nature from its slumber.

Think about your successes of the year and how you can shine the returning light forward favourably for continued growth. Give thanks for the ability to build upon the fertile ground you have cultivated from the benefits of your endeavours.

Think deeply about your own wants and desires and give thanks that you will be able to spend the following 6 days sewing their seeds as part of the year to come.

Enjoy the ritual of consuming your sweet/fruit/nut symbols of thanks

Have a happy Yule one and all

Yuletide projections day 7