Day 5 of Yule: Reflective Thanks
Enjoy the evergreen symbols of protection and rebirth you have brought into your house and continue to welcome those of family and friends as they contribute to the abundance of your surroundings. Light a fresh yule candle as a symbol of the returning light and place it upon your Yule log to burn brightly in your home as a shining reminder.
Today cast your mind back to the beautifully changing colours of autumn this year in September and October. This was a time of consolidation and consideration which marked the equality of day and night at the point of the Autumn Equinox. This was the preparation time for winter, where the dying vegetation became the rich and fertile soil for next years growth and harvest. At this time were you in balance with nature having reaped what you had sown; were you able to finish up old projects and plans in order to begin ideas for planting further seeds? Were you able to celebrate your achievements and draw upon your experiences to plan for new enterprises in the future? Give thanks for all you were able to achieve with the rhythm of the year through your hard work. Be thankful for the rest and celebration that came as we gained an hour on the clock while the warm autumn days gave way to the chill of night, and give thanks that at this time all things had to come to an end as is the balance of life.
Think about mother earth as she passed into the nurturing time of winter. Give thanks for the encroaching darkness knowing that rest brings the opportunity for healing renewal.
Think about all who have been a part of your journey this year so far; work colleagues, family, friends. Give thanks for the continued investment of some and for the dying back of others from your life in order for your soil to become fertile ground once more.
Think about all you have achieved from your intentions so far. Give thanks for endings and the ability to nurture what is to come; celebrate your success at keeping balance in your life and above all be thankful and gentle as you begin the rejuvenation of your energy.
Enjoy the ritual of consuming your sweet/fruit/nut symbols of thanks
Have a happy Yule one and all
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