Safeguarding Nature for our Children’s future

As children of the earth, it is our duty to secure the future of our young ones by safeguarding nature.

The political climate is hitting frenzy point with the coming elections in the UK. Alongside the UK, dissent and discord born from power and greed can be seen throughout the world. Yet within the noise of this man-made hysteria, nature continues along her pathway of correction and change. In her response to the actions of the unconsciously connected, she compensates for human action by presenting us with ecological turmoil.

Within this sea of unconsciously connected madness, young voices are crying out to be heard. Young, consciously connected voices are speaking from the heart. They are seeking action in a world that seems to have forgotten their duty to the planet.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

- Margaret Mead

Young Voices Safeguarding Nature

There is nothing more powerful than looking into the eyes of a child in pain. Nothing more life-changing than realising that child's pain is born from the actions, or inaction, of the adults around them. So powerful are these feelings stirred up by our innocents, that an entire world will  stand in unified action and support.

We all recognise this beautiful face from Sweden. Greta Thunberg is the latest voice to shout out at political leaders about the legacy their politics is leaving behind. Her environmental activism on climate change has gained international recognition. So much so, she has inspired youths throughout the world to take a stand in a movement to save life on earth.

Sonia Shomalzedah represents another voice bringing awareness to a fundamental crisis in nature. Her work on the beaches in South West England demonstrates the disappearance of endangered whales. The power of Sonia's work comes through the life-sized art she creates in the sand for all to see. The imagery is made all the more poignant and powerful as the tide comes in to wash these giant creations away. The strength of metaphor in her work serves to connect people at an emotional level to the problems of mass extinction on our planet.

Active Youth Groups

penpont safeguarding nature at the brecon beacons
penpont working at the brecon beacons

In Wales, Action for Conservation have begun a youth led movement called the Penpont Project. The aim of the project is to restore habitats and ecosystems to provide healthy systems for people and nature. On a 2,000-acre upland estate in the Brecon Beacons, around twenty 12-17-year-olds are reversing devastating ecological break-down. The Penpont Project is the biggest restoration project of its kind. It is creating a gold standard for youth-led environmental action in the beautiful countryside of Wales.

Our choices in Safeguarding Nature

So, what can we do as adults to come out in solidarity with our youths? What choices can we make to show we are standing beside them as they raise awareness? Our job is to remember, aside from the political discord around the world, safeguarding nature is paramount. Regardless of which political party you support, there are key actions which restore balance to our beautiful planet.

  • Buying locally grown produce reduces the need for movement of goods from other countries. This helps cut emissions from imports and supports businesses in our country.
  • If you stop mowing your lawn you create a wild meadow that will support bees and other insects.
  • Cut down on plastic use by choosing to purchase goods in supermarkets with no packaging.
  • Use reusable bags when shopping. Keep some with you so you are always ready when you make a purchase.
  • Pick up litter when taking a walk in nature. Just this small act adds to the conservation of our wildlife.
  • Recycle as much as you are able. Look for recycling bins if your local authority don't provide a comprehensive recycling service.
  • Purchase a reusable cup and carry it with you when you visit a coffee shop.
  • Save electricity by unplugging appliances when they're not in use. Keeping TV's and computers on standby is a needless waste of resources.
  • Save water by simply turning off the tap when brushing your teeth.

Being Consciously Connected to Change

The key to bringing about change is to be consciously connected to the choices we make. All the choices above represent small steps which, when taken en masse, create credible global change. It is not okay to stand by while our planet suffers through our inaction. Changes need to be made to safeguard our children's future, and those changes begin with us setting an example.

To be consciously connected to safeguarding nature is to stand in support of the many youthful voices screaming out for change. We inherited this world from our ancestors and it is our duty to safeguard it for our children. We must hang our heads in shame at the lack of action we have taken to ensure our children's future on this planet. Collectively, our small actions will bring about global change if we engage them. Our children are leading the way in speaking out, it is our job to support them in their quest.