Day 10 of Yule: Powerful Projections
Enjoy the evergreen symbols of protection and rebirth you have brought into your house and continue to welcome those of family and friends as they contribute to the abundance of your surroundings. Light a fresh yule candle as a symbol of the returning light and place it upon your Yule log to burn brightly in your home as a shining reminder.
Think about your work situation today and how that defines the majority of the energy you spend each day. When we talk about work most minds turn to a situation in which remuneration comes from a company by way of a salary for services provided; indeed this is the most common form of work on the planet. However this form of work does not include retired people, the unemployed, young people still attending school; so today we are thinking outside the typical ‘work’ box in favour of projections regarding your ‘great work’, the work which fills your time with enjoyment and happiness as payment enough.
It may be that you already do work that you really love which brings you great joy and happiness along with the freedom to be expressive of your talents. You may work in an environment with others who have supported your goals throughout this year and encouraged the greatness in what you do while you move into the coming year. If this is the case project continued support for the targets you are setting for next year and visualise your great work moving on to the next stage in its development. However for many this is not the case, and in the words of Robert Holden, “If you think something is missing in your work right now, it’s probably you”.
So if you aren’t working at what you love right now take a deep breath and connect with what excites you in life, what charges you up and fills you with happiness. Success is determined by other people so the trick is to seek fulfilment, not success; follow your dream and don’t give up because you are afraid. Even if you can’t see how you would ever make a living out of your great work don’t be put off by your own fears; visualise yourself following the joy of what excites you and project pursuing it into the future of your dreams. See yourself totally immersed in your great work, whatever that may be and everything else will fall into place.
Enjoy the ritual of consuming your sweet/fruit/nut symbols of projection
Have a happy Yule one and all
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