Aromatherapy: Oils for Toning and Detox

Aromatherapy oils can make the process of toning and detoxing your body more enjoyable and beneficial. If you increase the amount of exercise you do to tone muscles and get rid of cellulite, oils with muscles-relaxing qualities such as lavender and chamomile are worth using. Oils that stimulate circulation to ensure good blood flow and … Read moreAromatherapy: Oils for Toning and Detox

Aromatherapy: Using Oils on Holiday

You’ve booked your holiday and now you need to decide what to take in your essential oil first aid kit. Experience will probably have shown you where you tend to have problems when you travel. If you are prone to digestive upsets when eating out abroad, take a stomach settling oil such as peppermint or … Read moreAromatherapy: Using Oils on Holiday