Hazel Moon: Celtic Tree Calendar

Celtic Hazel Moon

The Celtic name for the hazel tree is ‘coll’ meaning ‘nine’, and the Hazel Moon is the ninth month of the Celtic Tree Calendar. A myth tells how nine nuts of wisdom fell from the hazel tree into a river where a magical salmon ate them. The salmon became the most prized catch of all … Read moreHazel Moon: Celtic Tree Calendar

Holly Moon: Celtic Tree Calendar

Celtic holly moon

The eighth Celtic Moon month sees in the start of the waning of the days. The power of the Sun is transferred to the Earth, highlighting our practical needs and desires. The Celtic fire festival of Lammas begins the harvest on 1st August. Thus, the month of the Holly Moon is a time to give … Read moreHolly Moon: Celtic Tree Calendar

Oak Moon: Celtic Tree Calendar

celtic moon months oak

The longest day of the year and the shortest night fall during the Oak Moon. Known as the Summer Solstice, celebrations revolve around the power of the Sun at its zenith. Folklore decrees that “He who sleeps on the shortest night shall sleep all year”, meaning that this is a time for action not rest. … Read moreOak Moon: Celtic Tree Calendar

Willow Moon: Celtic Tree Calendar

celtic willow moon

During the time of April showers, the watery month of the Willow Moon teaches you to release pent-up emotions and experience your grief. Tears are linked to healing and as you express difficult and painful feelings, you are able to purge yourself of subconscious fears, which would otherwise prevent you from reaching your dreams. The … Read moreWillow Moon: Celtic Tree Calendar